Will Richardson’s blog contains some interesting thoughts on technology in the classroom. His blog of Feb. 28, 2009, “Teacher as Learner” states that teachers should be willing to be learners and should embrace bringing technology to the classroom. One of the issues he talks about is customizing our children’s education as opposed to standardizing it. I can understand where he is coming from because quite frankly, I think the school systems currently have very little flexibility for students who don’t fit in the mainstream. However, students do need some basic skills to be successful in school and life, so as educators we need to make sure they acquire those skills first. Then I think it would be wonderful to be able to give each student the opportunity to customize their education. I’m not sure how that might be accomplished with limited resources and teachers, but, with the aid of technology, it could be possible.
Richardson addresses the need for a shift in education with the realization that instructors have to be brought to the level of competency with the tools, as well as changing the way we think about education. This will be a major shift and the truth is that the younger generation is embracing technology much more readily than those of us who didn’t grow up with all these new-fangled gadgets. His June blogs reflect on what an educational institution built today might look like as opposed to those of the past. Do any of us really know at this point? I think the next generation may have a better idea of how to integrate technology more readily into their studies. As well, Richardson talks about how his children’s work world will be very different and as educators we need to address their needs to prepare them properly. Undoubtedly, this is going to be the case, but again, perhaps they are the group who will identify what those changes need to be in education.
Richardson’s blog was very thought provoking and gave me some real insights into the potential of blogs. I'm starting to think outside the proverbial box.
ITC Conf 2019
6 years ago
Theresa, I agree with you. Let's not forgot that their needs to be guidance, even in the age of technology. Sadly, the "kids" usually know more then the instructors in how to manipulate the technology.